Monday, March 7, 2011

Entry #1

Annie, The Hunger Games

      Katniss does not want her family to starve to death and go hungry. There family is having issues with finding food. Everyday she slips past District 12's fencline to go hunting to find anything that will feed the bellies of her straving family.

Isaiah, Peak

     Climb, climb, climb. All Peak Marcello wants to do is climb and he doesnt care what. After being arrested for climbing the Woolworth skyscraper in New York Peak finds himself in juvenile detention. Just as peak is about to be sentenced Peaks real dad flies in for Thailand and offers to take care of him a deal in which the judge readily accepts because of peaks behavior.While in Thailand Peaks real dads motives show and peak realizes that that this attempt of being nice and sincere by his father is really just a giant publicity stunt.

Jamie, Peaches

     The story behind teens and their love affairs. Three teenagers cause mischief, one named Leeda runs around with her boyfriend and for the others, one would rather be the trouble of everything, but one rather be opposite of all that. More about how boys and girls interact, their relationship problems between each other.

Olivia, East

     In the villages of Norway, there is an ancient belief that children inherit the qualities of the direction in which they are born. The last daughter of eight siblings, Nymah Rose, born to a poor mapmaker father and a highly superstitious mother, was a North-born baby. North-born babies are unpredictable, wild, intelligent, and destined to leave home to travel to the ends of the earth. To keep her close, Rose’s mother lied and told her she had been born of the East.

Tiffany, The Boxes

     Annie, a teenage orphan, lives with her Aunt Ruth, a grumpy old hermit, who looks at Annie with regret and dissapointment.  Through her years with her aunt, Annie's Uncle Marco comes and visits, and she feels happy again.  Sadly,everytime, he must leave unexpenctantly.  She has two best friends, Linda and Jeff who are secretly dating, but she soon finds the relationship is one sided.  who can Annie turn to in times of distress?  One of Annie's biggest obstacles is being courageous and being willing to trust others to find a relationship.

Yzabella, An Abundance of Katherines

     In An Abundance of Katherines, Collin has a problem. His girlfriend Kathrine has just broken up with him. His problem is this isn't the first Kathrine. This is the nineteenth. He is very sad, and his friend wants to take him on a road trip to take his mind off of things, however his parents are unsure.

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