Monday, April 4, 2011

Entry #5

Annie, The Hunger Games

Dear Annie,
I know you have been fighting friendship with a couple of your
friends, Jeff and Linda. I, Katniss have a couple of ideas that may
help you deal with your problems that have helped me as well. Try and
find ways to talk to your friends one on one and help them understand
how you feel. I know I'm having trouble talking to my own family about
food situations and starvations. I have decided to to hold family
meetings to discuss the matter and i think if you try doing the same
thing with your friends. Hope everything I've said has helped.


Dear Montag,

 My name is Peak and I can tell you that my problems are probably the least of your worries but, we ARE both in a life and death situation more so for you. For me, not only am I trying to summit the most deadly mountain in the world (mt.everest) I am also trying to overcome the feelings of anger about the fact that I am being used by my father as a publicity spike for his company.Now, compared to your situation where you're wanted dead in your city this may seem small but I in order to supress my feelings took the time to think about what was best for me and others around me in my situation. Honestly, if you might have taken that approach then the things all around you might have not blown up as quickly both literally and in a figure of speech manner. This approach benefited me greatly because I realized that at the end of the day people must do whats best for themselves in select situations and by just stopping and thinking instead of reacting then I found that lifes problems are made alot smaller.


Tiffany, The Boxes

Dear Birdie,

     I've heard of your difficulties with Leeda, Murphy, and most importantly Enrico.  Don't worry. You're not alone.  I've had the same problems.  For the longest time I could only trust my Uncle Marco, like you and your dad, but it wasn't enough for me.  I had to have a friend like Henry.  Henry's helped me and has been there for me.  Sometimes you need to open up if you expect them to do the same.  Open up to Leeda and Murphy and hang out with them.  They won't do anything if you don't.  And, talk to Enrico.  One conversation can change everything.  It did for me.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Entry #4

Annie, The Hunger Games

     The protagonist in the hunger games is Katniss. She is 16 years old and competes in the Hunger Games.The antagonist is the government/President Snow. President Snow burdens District 12 with restraints because of power and authority. They are similar in a way because Katniss is working with the government like President Snow to compete in the Hunger Games.

Jamie, Peaches

     Each book has a protaganist and a antigonist in the book Peaches you didn't really know who the protaginist and antigonist are until you really get to read the book. For me the antigonist is Murphy at first she doesn't really want to work and spend time with Birdie which makes her have a bad attitude at first. For the protagonist to me it would have to be Birdie because she is so innocent and all she really strives for is just to simply find the right guy.

Tiffany, The Boxes

     The protagonist.  The antagonist.  The good and evil.  What really is evil?  In the The Boxes, the little Egyptian creatures would be accused as the antagonist.  Annie would be given the honor of being called the protagonist.  Although the creatures are blamed to be the antagonist, they are not the evil through all of it.  They are the same because neither of them will stand up and object.  They both are under someone, the creatures: their god, Annie: her aunt.  Their goals, however, are different.  The creatures want to please, and Annie longs to be free.  Through each other, they will achieve their goals.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Entry #3

Annie, The Hunger Games

     I predict that Katniss will play in the Hunger Games instead of Prim.
I predict this becasue when Prim is about to volunteer herself as
tribute, Katniss gets upset and doesnt want Prim to do it. On page 23
when Prim is volunteering, Katniss steps up and Prim screams, "No,
Katniss! No! You can't go!" This tells me Katniss is going to go
instead of Prim.

Isaiah, Peak

     While climbing on the mountain Peak is being followed around by a not so normal lady who turns to be a reporter.All she is basically doing is making things worse for Peak. She is flirting with his dad, making peak more on edge, more than he already is considering he is the yougest American to ever summit Mt. Everest. After assesing the situation Peak realizes that he is being used as basically a huge money maker and his dads career really depends on him which kind of makes peak question his dads motives to start with and finds himself wondering whether hid dad genuinly wants him.

Jamie, Peaches

     I predict that an event that will occur next is that Cynthia a wife of husband Walter, will be taking Birdie away from him since she had left those two and took the dog too. As for Murphy she is forced to stay with Birdie for two weeks, without word from her. At first Murphy doesn't like it but an event that I think will happen next is Murphy is going to get use to Birdie and start to actually really like her. The fact that Birdie is trying to find "the one". I say all this because at the beginning of the book Birdie needed Murphy, not for company but she thought that she could help Birdie find Mr. Right.

Tiffany, The Boxes

     Of course the main conflict is Annie opening the boxes, but I'm focusing more on her internal conflict.  In this story, Henry, a boy that has always liked her, comes and visits their table at lunch.  Annie begins to tell him of her problems, but claims that they're just dreams.  Because she's telling him so much, I believe that she will soon tell him the truth, and he will help her.  They will both grow as friends.  I believe that they will make a lasting friendship.

Entry #2

Annie, The Hunger Games

       The setting of the Hunger Games is in Ddistrict 12(the Seam). District
12 is crawling with coal miners heading out to the morning shift.
Katniss and her family live at the edge of the Seam. This setting
impacts Katniss and her family because they only have to pass a few
gates to reach the scruffy field called the Medow. The Medow is where
Katniss and Prim find food. This is a huge impact where they live so
they can scavenge for meals they need to not go hungry.

Isaiah, Peak

     Hot, Heavily polluted, and bustling with activity. This is a basic description of Thailand where Peak Marcello is sent after his criminal acts in his homeland of New York force him to relocate. Upon arrival, Peak goes through a flurry of tests, visits a temple, and meets a new friend named Sun-Jo who will help him summit the beast of a mountain known as Mt. Everest.

Jamie, Peaches

     The setting for Peaches takes place in the town of Georgia where Murphy and Birdie live. Murphy lives in a Trailor park, but she moves in for two weeks with Birdie in a different setting. It's a big impact because Murphy is use to living in a Trailor park, unlike Birdie who lives in a normal house. It will take time getting use too for both of them, especially Murphy. As for Leeda she just basically lives in a snotty neighborhood that affects her attitude as well.

Olivia, East

     The Christopher Killer is a novel by Alana Ferguson set in the small town of Silverton, Colorado.
17 year old Cameryn knows she wants to go into forensics and persuades her dad, the local coroner,
to let her be his assistant. The book is usually set in the morgue or the scene of a crime.
The book is set in present time because of the update technology the investigators use.

Tiffany, The Boxes

    In Annie's world, everything seems dull and unfortunate.  She lives with her grumpy aunt. The house isn't fancy but instead a little broken down.  She lives in a small town in the present day.  It is a little smaller than our own home, Oak Harbor.  Going back to her home, the battered house affects her life because her aunt complains about being "stuck" with it.  By her aunt reminding her that she could maybe be living a wealthier life, Annie has the hardship of finding friendship and love.

Yzabella, An Abundance of Katherines

     The setting is in  present time. This helps the characters because they use modern lamguage, and it helps with a more teen-friendly vibe. They seem like collage students, and they use a daily language we can relate to.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Entry #1

Annie, The Hunger Games

      Katniss does not want her family to starve to death and go hungry. There family is having issues with finding food. Everyday she slips past District 12's fencline to go hunting to find anything that will feed the bellies of her straving family.

Isaiah, Peak

     Climb, climb, climb. All Peak Marcello wants to do is climb and he doesnt care what. After being arrested for climbing the Woolworth skyscraper in New York Peak finds himself in juvenile detention. Just as peak is about to be sentenced Peaks real dad flies in for Thailand and offers to take care of him a deal in which the judge readily accepts because of peaks behavior.While in Thailand Peaks real dads motives show and peak realizes that that this attempt of being nice and sincere by his father is really just a giant publicity stunt.

Jamie, Peaches

     The story behind teens and their love affairs. Three teenagers cause mischief, one named Leeda runs around with her boyfriend and for the others, one would rather be the trouble of everything, but one rather be opposite of all that. More about how boys and girls interact, their relationship problems between each other.

Olivia, East

     In the villages of Norway, there is an ancient belief that children inherit the qualities of the direction in which they are born. The last daughter of eight siblings, Nymah Rose, born to a poor mapmaker father and a highly superstitious mother, was a North-born baby. North-born babies are unpredictable, wild, intelligent, and destined to leave home to travel to the ends of the earth. To keep her close, Rose’s mother lied and told her she had been born of the East.

Tiffany, The Boxes

     Annie, a teenage orphan, lives with her Aunt Ruth, a grumpy old hermit, who looks at Annie with regret and dissapointment.  Through her years with her aunt, Annie's Uncle Marco comes and visits, and she feels happy again.  Sadly,everytime, he must leave unexpenctantly.  She has two best friends, Linda and Jeff who are secretly dating, but she soon finds the relationship is one sided.  who can Annie turn to in times of distress?  One of Annie's biggest obstacles is being courageous and being willing to trust others to find a relationship.

Yzabella, An Abundance of Katherines

     In An Abundance of Katherines, Collin has a problem. His girlfriend Kathrine has just broken up with him. His problem is this isn't the first Kathrine. This is the nineteenth. He is very sad, and his friend wants to take him on a road trip to take his mind off of things, however his parents are unsure.