Monday, April 4, 2011

Entry #5

Annie, The Hunger Games

Dear Annie,
I know you have been fighting friendship with a couple of your
friends, Jeff and Linda. I, Katniss have a couple of ideas that may
help you deal with your problems that have helped me as well. Try and
find ways to talk to your friends one on one and help them understand
how you feel. I know I'm having trouble talking to my own family about
food situations and starvations. I have decided to to hold family
meetings to discuss the matter and i think if you try doing the same
thing with your friends. Hope everything I've said has helped.


Dear Montag,

 My name is Peak and I can tell you that my problems are probably the least of your worries but, we ARE both in a life and death situation more so for you. For me, not only am I trying to summit the most deadly mountain in the world (mt.everest) I am also trying to overcome the feelings of anger about the fact that I am being used by my father as a publicity spike for his company.Now, compared to your situation where you're wanted dead in your city this may seem small but I in order to supress my feelings took the time to think about what was best for me and others around me in my situation. Honestly, if you might have taken that approach then the things all around you might have not blown up as quickly both literally and in a figure of speech manner. This approach benefited me greatly because I realized that at the end of the day people must do whats best for themselves in select situations and by just stopping and thinking instead of reacting then I found that lifes problems are made alot smaller.


Tiffany, The Boxes

Dear Birdie,

     I've heard of your difficulties with Leeda, Murphy, and most importantly Enrico.  Don't worry. You're not alone.  I've had the same problems.  For the longest time I could only trust my Uncle Marco, like you and your dad, but it wasn't enough for me.  I had to have a friend like Henry.  Henry's helped me and has been there for me.  Sometimes you need to open up if you expect them to do the same.  Open up to Leeda and Murphy and hang out with them.  They won't do anything if you don't.  And, talk to Enrico.  One conversation can change everything.  It did for me.
